Bio EN

I was born on May 28, 1972 in Paris.

At the age of 8 months, my parents moved to Nice which will remain my adopted city.

After having started with industrial product design studies, I turned to new technologies and became a computer engineer.

Fifteen years later, heckled by skin-deep feelings and agitated with an intense desire for creation, I began writing with a challenge: to finish a ten-page story.
Six years later my first novel , Égalité Totale, was born.

After this first creation experience, I spent the next two years at the development of a game for mobiles and tablets: Escape Shelter.57.
The game is now up and running.

I’m currently living in Nice on the French Riviera. I got three children, Lilas, Juliette and Maxime. I’m working in new technologies and shares my free time between my family and the writing of my second book.